Nanosphere Size Standards 200nm /15ml – LTX3200A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 220nm /15ml – LTX3220A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 400nm /15ml – LTX3400A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 800nm /15ml – LTX3800A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 900nm /15ml – LTX3900A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 70nm /15ml – LTX3070A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 90nm /15ml – LTX3090A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.

Nanosphere Size Standards 125nm /15ml – LTX3125A

compatibilità: Zetasizer Advance, Zetasizer Nano, – Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated by NIST traceable standards and packaged as aqueous suspensions in dropper-tipped bottles.



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In Alfatest dedichiamo particolare attenzione alla formazione dei nostri tecnici, perché consideriamo l’elevato livello professionale del nostro personale un vero “PLUS” da mettere a disposizione dei clienti. I nostri tecnici sono altamente qualificati, grazie a costanti aggiornamenti e ad annuali corsi di aggiornamento all’estero presso le aziende che distribuiamo. Ogni anno devono superare specifici test per ottenere la certificazione che li autorizza ad eseguire i test e rilasciare la certificazione “OQ”. Sono specializzati in specifiche tecniche per garantire la loro efficienza nella diagnostica, l’intervento tecnico ma anche la messa a punto di metodi ed il supporto ai ns. clienti. La squadra di tecnici si divide tra Nord Italia e Sud Italia, muovendosi rispettivamente dai ns. uffici di Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) e di Roma per garantire dei tempi d’intervento minimi, anche per le regioni del Sud e le Isole

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